Connect to Mikrotik Router Serial Console Port

I added a too restrictive firewall rule to my Mikrotik router and locked myself out of the machine, because it dropped all incoming TCP connections. The only access I allowed was via their web-UI and SSH, both TCP based protocols - I was locked out.

To be able to disable the problematic firewall rule there were two options:

  1. I reset the router to factory default and re-apply the config file I have in my git repository.
  2. Connect to the serial console, login and disable the firewall rule again

For the first option the problem was twofold: I’d lose some other useful firewall rules that I added inbetween the last git commit and the “locking me out” one. And I don’t have access to the factory admin password anymore, doing the factory reset likely would have locked me out for a long time of the router. (you can request the factory password from your vendor, they have a mapping of serial-number to password).

Second option posed the problem that I do not have a RJ45 to DB9 serial adapter, aka “Cisco style” serial port cable. The pin-out is very well described on Mikrotik’s documentation pages

I have used PC-Engines Alix and APU boards quite extensively. Those are headless machines, that can only be serviced using a serial console. Therefore I had a few of their USB to serial adapter’s at home. I also have a RJ45 crimping tool and some low quality ethernet copper network cables. This made me consider the second option, thinking I could jerry rig a RJ45 to DB9 cable myself.

Here’s the pinout provided by Mikrotik if you were to build your own cable that can be plugged into a serial-port found on a PC:

RJ45wire colorDB9 female pin
1 RTSwhite/orange8 CTS
2 DTRorange6 DSR
3 TXDwhite/green2 RXD
4 GNDblue5 GND
5 GNDwhite/blue5 GND
6 RXDgreen3 TXD
7 DSRwhite/brown4 DTR
8 CTSbrown7 RTS

for orientation, DB9 pin number 6 is on the shorter row bottom right-most. DB9 pin 5 is top row left-most. Pins 1 and 9 are unused, look at the Mikrotiks page for a nice visualisation.

What I did was, take an old self made ethernet cable, cut it in two, strip the individual twisted pair wires and plug it into my PC-engines USB to DB9 female adapter. (Side-note: my old cable was not wired T-568A but T-568B style, there’s a good change you will have to swap your colors around.)

That did not work, I was not able to connect to the serial console that way.

Then I realised that the proposed cable is supposed to go onto a male serial port socket found on a PC, well that is what the PC-engines female adapter can be used for too - I likely have to rewire the pins, because there’s some magic going on inside the USB to serial adapter. I went on pc-engines page, and indeed they have the wiring schema of it - turns out that it internally behaves as if a null-modem cable was attached. Armed with that info I rewired it to match the pins function like so:

DB9FRJ45 color
2 RXD6 RXD green
3 TXD3 TXD white/green
4 DTR2 DTR orange
5 GND4, 5 blue white/blue
6 DSR7 DSR white/brown
7 RTS1 RTS white/orange
8 CTS8 CTS brown

Here’s a photo of that hack:

RS232 RJ45 cable

On the other end was still the RJ45 plug, I did not have to use my crimping tool. Connecting from macOS was easy using minicom -s to configure it to use /dev/tty.usbserial-01XXXX with 115200 8N1 and save the settings. Finally connect using minicom, disable the firewall rule and back to using SSH again :).